Monday, October 4, 2010

Electric vines and Valley Wines

I am well and truly spent and sstruggling today after another fun, but full on weekend and to top it off my hayfever has deciding to reek havoc and all I've been doing today is sneezing.  Saturday was basically a day of drinking, dancing and generally having a good time.  The day kicked off early, 9.00am start to meet the bus, eek!  It started off mellow and the weather looked promising, but as the day progressed and the wine flowed it got messy.  Unfortunately the weather also decided to cool off, so I drank more wine and proceeded to bust a move on the dance floor, how else could I keep warm lol?! 

By the time the bus was ready to leave at 5pm, my head was swimming and I could feel a headache coming on.  To make matters worse, while waiting for our train, some random idiot starting rambling and pretending to preach and trying to make us say hallelujah.  Now I'm not atheist, I was actually bought up catholic and generally think every religion has something to offer, but this guy was just two bricks short of a barbie (crazy in other words for those non-australians). 

I remember boarding the train trying to figure out if that actually happened or if I dreamt it, ahhh gotta love public transport.  On the drive home Maccas was a must, and when I got home I fed my dog and went to bed by 8pm.  I pity the poor bastard on our bus who had a ball that same night and had only a hour to get ready, wonder if he made it.................

So anyways it will be the my birthday Wednesday and Friday I plan on hitting good ol Karaoke at Suburu Karaoke and restaurant in Northbridge, for the Perthians the link is  I haven't been there yet, but I have had a gander when they first opened early this year.  The price is extremely reasonable and the manager there was nice enough to offer a free room upgrade and free platter on arrival, score! The rest of the weekend will be spent at One Movement music Festival and a wedding squashed in the middle of all that Sunday. 

I cannot wait for One Movement, my fav crooner from Melbourne will be there, the very talented Dan Sultan!  If you haven't heard of him do yourself a favour and jump on his website  I first discovered his smooth vocals at One Movement last year and I've been obsessed ever since!  His live shows are always energetic and he possesses so much charisma it should be illegal!  He's definitely done really well since then, appearing in musical Bran Nue Day and hitting all the hot festivals around Australia.  Just to give you an idea he's gone from performing last year at 3pm on a side stage to 8pm this year on the main stage.  Plus I always try and support the locals, can't wait!  I'll try and take some piccies and jazz up this page a bit, hopefully my computer at home will be working again soon.........

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