Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wisdom teeth need to be re-named to useless teeth

Unfortunately I have already hit a snag blogging.  Last thursday I had my 3 wisdom teeth taken out and let me tell you it was something I wouldnt wish on my biggest enemy!  Lucky for me, my good ol mum took an extra day off and I spent time at her house being nursed, while she proceeded to blend everything that went through my mouth and make sure I took all my medication like a good little patient. 

Just before I went in I eagerly took in everyones advise and stocked up on supplies, but nothing could prepare me for the pain and swelling and amount of feeling sorry for myself, that was to come.  After a couple of days of soup, snack packs, custard, puree fruit I craved and yearned for solid food sooo badly!  Even know its soft food and rabbit like nibbling with my front teeth and thorough rinsing as not to get food stuck in the holes left behind in my gums.

Back home for me Monday and back to work today, but now my internet has had a fit at home and decided not to work, as has my television.  Technology is awesome when it works, arghhhh!!!!

But on a good note, Perth is having a long weekend, I scored free tickets to parklife and I'm reliving my tafe days Monday night and seeing Regurgitator, all in fine and over 20 degree weather, yippee!!  I hope everyone else had a better week, happy long weekend!


  1. It's funny how we go back to being babies whenever we have our teeth fixed or removed. Blended fruits, soup, and soft breads are all we can eat after a dental procedure. We may seem grown up and sturdy on the outside, but we all have the same set of sensitive and vulnerable teeth inside our mouth. At least we get to eat healthier foods even for just a few days, right Melissa? :)

  2. Its funny you say that I felt like a baby again. Totally useless and reliant on my mother to feed and look after me! Even though I did eat well those few days I managed not to lose any weight ;)
