Thursday, September 30, 2010


My weekend, without meaning to, turned into a weekend of music.  Not that I'm complaining mind you.  As I have already previously blogged it kicked off Friday night at Amplifier Bar watching Abbe May and Bog Logg III.  Since I didn't get home til one and had to work Saturday, Saturday night was a bust, passing out involuntarily at 9.30pm (I know such a grandma thing to do).  In my defence Im still recovering from getting my wisdom teeth out.

Sunday was Parklife time, I'm glad I managed to snag free tickets ($20 donation), because I was really disappointed.  It didn't start well with the venue only having one way to get in, I don't know if its just me getting old or the type of festival it is (my first parklife), but it seemed full of half naked, fake tanned posers, who have no idea of festival etiquette.  I enjoyed DJ Mike, 2manydjs and Groove Armada, especially groove Armada.  Her outfit was amazing, she wore a black lyra catsuit with big removable shoulder pads that had hair (not sure if it real) flowing down and off the sleeves.  Her dancing moves were sometimes questionable, but with a voice like that it would be unfair for her to be able to dance as well!  Missy Elliot was a massive disappointment, singing only 5 songs in her set and wasting the rest of the time with dj's and some other random singer. 

Monday made up for Sunday, back to Amplifier Bar I went and relived my youth at the Regurgitator gig and what a show it was!  Back when I studied art and interior design in TAFE, i discovered a station called Triple J, yes I was a little behind, but I grew up listening to rnb and hip hop and fell in love with the Gurg.  Bought Unit and absolutely thrashed it to death.  Unfortunately I never got to see them live, something always came up or I never had anyone to go with.  So when I found out they were coming and tickets were a measly $25, even if it was a Monday night I couldn't let this opportunity pass.  What an energetic, amazing show it was and much to my pleasure they sung all there hits on Unit, I was one happy chappy, head banging may of been involved.........pheww just reading that back is exhausting!

Not that this weekend I will be taking it easy, I intend to partake in Electric vines and Valley wines Saturday and if it was as good as it was last year I'll be hitting the hay at 6pm that night ha ha  For those who don't know its a whole day event of basically eating and drinking, who knows I may add a few photos from the day...........

Saturday, September 25, 2010

BOB LOG III - The most incredible one man band ever!

I wasn't going to post a blog today, but I couldn't contain the excitement of what I experienced last night any longer!  I want to share with anyone that will listen, that if you ever get a chance see Bob Log III, he is one of the most amazing musicians I have seen in my life and I can tell you Ive been to plenty of different live acts and have a broad taste in music. 

I actually went to see the back up act - Abbe May, a local gal also worth checking out if you're into bluesy rock and had no idea who the headline was.  As soon as he swaggered out playing guitar from the back of the room, dressed in a blue velvet jumpsuit, glittering helmet and black telephone attached to the front of the helmet (which doubles as his microphone so both his hands are free), walking through the crowd before he clamoured on stage I knew it was going to be interesting, but wasn't prepared for just how blown away I'd be and the amount of laughing that was to come (probably not a good idea since my jaw is still sore, but worth every moment).

With songs titled such as "clap your tits", "boob scotch" and "I want your shit on my leg", he is definitely not for the prude and describing his music is no easy task, I liken his music to R.L Burnside if he was on speed.  He's one of those shows that has to be seen to believed and understood.  After blowing the audience away with a few opening songs, he stood up and shouted, "enough of sound check lets start this show"!

Not only a musical genius, he is every bit the entertaining, hilarious showman.  Drinking his "liquid gold", purchased from the audience he had them all eating out of his hand.  Proclaiming how hard it was to drink under his helmet (which never comes off when he performs) and how it would be easier with a straw, no one could help him quick enough, one member even obliged to his request of throwing nothing but bras onstage.  He invited to girls to "straddle on each leg like you would on a horse" and presumed to play whilst they bopped up and down happily on his lap. 

Every song ending with him standing up yelling "yeehaw"! He ended the show as he arrived through the crowd and exiting backstage.  I left elated with a huge big goofy grin on my face! Probably not everyones cup of tea, but do yourself a favour and check him out, his official website is  Don't you just love random awesomeness, the best nights seem to come when you least expect them!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wisdom teeth need to be re-named to useless teeth

Unfortunately I have already hit a snag blogging.  Last thursday I had my 3 wisdom teeth taken out and let me tell you it was something I wouldnt wish on my biggest enemy!  Lucky for me, my good ol mum took an extra day off and I spent time at her house being nursed, while she proceeded to blend everything that went through my mouth and make sure I took all my medication like a good little patient. 

Just before I went in I eagerly took in everyones advise and stocked up on supplies, but nothing could prepare me for the pain and swelling and amount of feeling sorry for myself, that was to come.  After a couple of days of soup, snack packs, custard, puree fruit I craved and yearned for solid food sooo badly!  Even know its soft food and rabbit like nibbling with my front teeth and thorough rinsing as not to get food stuck in the holes left behind in my gums.

Back home for me Monday and back to work today, but now my internet has had a fit at home and decided not to work, as has my television.  Technology is awesome when it works, arghhhh!!!!

But on a good note, Perth is having a long weekend, I scored free tickets to parklife and I'm reliving my tafe days Monday night and seeing Regurgitator, all in fine and over 20 degree weather, yippee!!  I hope everyone else had a better week, happy long weekend!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Shoes, glorious shoes

As much as I tell myself I don't need anymore shoes, I can't help but continually add to my collection (much to my dads disgust).  I especially seem to add to my shoe heaven when I travel.  The shoes are so cheap and different to what you can get here, what I can I say.  Behold my additions from Chiang Mai (the two boots are from the vintage shops I found, the black ones actually don't fit, I swear they did when I tried them on!), all were under $20, bargains like that can't be left behind!!!!

My new fav previously owned boots
The boots that I wished fit!
The shoes I really didn't need, but couldn't leave behind for a mere $4 AUD!
My Chiang Mai chucks to add to my forever growing international chuck collection

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Elephants, mud and plenty of sweat!

I would like to break my blogging seal and start with my recent trip to Chiang Mai.  I have been on plenty of holidays, but this time I did something I've always wanted to do. Half of my trip was volunteering and after scouring the net for ideas I came across this little gem -

An organisation set up by a local, the incredible Lek, dedicated to rescuing Thailand's national treasure - the elephant.  Set on acres of land with an in built river, this haven is home not only to 30+ elephants, but also dogs (our pack happily adopted us for the week, following us when we did our chores and joining us for meals), buffalo, cats, pigs and anything else of the animal kind that can be helped.  I won't lie, that week was hard work, especially since I'm normally sitting at a desk behind a computer, but it was a experience I will never forget and cherish. 

It definitely made me think twice as to what sort of sightseeing and touring I do in the future.  Elephants are not made to have any sort of hard weight on there backs and the treatment to these poor elephants are horrific.  If you ever get to Chiang Mai, I would recommend it, even if its only the day trip, your money goes to an extremely good cause.  Elephants can even be adopted and donations made on the website. 

Chiang Mai as a city has a lot to offer and the only thing from making it a perfect destination in Asia, is the fact there is no beaches.  The second biggest city in Thailand, there are plenty of modern and traditional influences.  The night and local markets are very cheap and for a mere $1.00AUD you can enjoy a large plate of, the best I have had, Char kway teow noodles (fat rice stick noodles). 

Everything is cheaper at the local, day market, if you're prepared for an overwhelming maze of stalls and stall holders who speak little english, but the Saturday night market for gifts cant be beat.  I even managed to find 2 vintage shops both located next door to each other on 58/2 Inthawaroro, a bit tricky to find, but worthwhile, and if you turn right from there 2 more quirky vintage shops.  I ended my trip in luxury (seeing as I roughed it for most of the trip) at The Chedi, a hotel where I have no complaints.  The service was impeccable and they couldn't do enough to help me!

Golden Triangle
Night Market
Spider found in the field while planting and weeding
Elephant greeting
our adopted dogs outside our room
Bathing the elephants in the river
The Chedi