Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm melting, melting.........

It is Monday my RDO, the first I have managed to actually have off in a few weeks and its is a sweltering 36 degrees!  My air conditioning conveniently decided to stop working last week, so I am dripping whilst trying to get in some much needed housework.  I desperately want to hit the beach (only a 10 min drive from mine, just one awesome thing about living in Perth) but the bad thing about having a Monday off is everyone else is working.

Its been a little while and we're about to hit the silly season and it is about to get much worse.  I must say I prefer to be out and about rather then have nothing to do, but my poor little house suffers from my absence.  I'm sure I'll get there eventually bit by bit.

I also have a self inflicting limp which also makes life a little difficult.   A few weeks ago I decided to play basketball again.  I used to play when I was much younger, but the impact sport wasn't doing anything for my dodgy knees and ankle so I reluctantly stopped, until now, when I decided enough was enough I need to get fit again and the gym just doesn't cut it for me.

Unfortunately I momentarily forgot the ol bod aint what it used to be, didn't warm up enough and proceeded to injure the biggest quad muscle you have.  That was 2 weeks to the physio I go, here's hoping it will heal very soon, preferably before Southbound!  A huge 3 day festival held in Busselton I cannot wait.  Really looking forward to Kitty Daisy and Lewis, Bliss n Esso, Ladyhawke, Tame Impala, Public Enemy, Paul Kelly and Dan Sultan.  I'm a Southbound virgin so can't wait to pop my cherry!

Prob best to stay home, staying home equates to not spending money which at late is what I am trying to do.  Planning on hitting South America for my big 30 late next year, I must save like Ive never saved before.  So probably hitting the antique show wasn't such a good idea in hindsight and having a lady mark down a gorgeous, huge hand painted Japanese tea set from $230 - $170, didn't help.  Well you only live once and I now own something I can hand down and apparently use according to the lady selling it to me.  One problem with that I don't own a table ha ha!

On one last note - Life is precious, make every moment count, you never know when your time is up............

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