Thursday, January 13, 2011

Popping my Southbound Cherry

Southbound, what I can I say, wow!  I wasn't sure I could last the whole 3 days of music festivity goodness, but I'm alive to tell the tale.  Busselton is such a beautiful place to hold such an incredible festival, although I think it should have been to condensed to a 2 day festival. I was lucky enough to be invited by an old friend and was happily surprised that 1. the house we stayed in was a 2 min walk from the beach and 5 min drive to the festival 2. food and drink were already purchased and 3. I got along with most people (only one person I didn't like which is great odds) and everyone was easy going.  I loved not having to organise a thing, and with most of the house being gay I also got a bit of an education thrown in for good measure.   Kitty, daisy and Lewis blew me away and were far by my favs, but birds of Tokyo, Dan Sultan, The Klaxons, Paul Kelly and Washington deserve a mention.  The good thing about so much music is the discovery of new bands, dj's and sounds, Peaches was incredible and really knows how to put on a show, Marina and the Diamonds were awesome and there were more I enjoyed, but need to look up, my head was reeling with so much music! The only suckey thing was I forgot my photo id and the douchbags slapped on a underage band even though i am not clearly under 18.  This was rectified my putting my mates stubby holder over the band and walking right through and into the over age section, suck on that! Spent an extra day before I drove back with a little op shopping and window shopping, linner (not quite lunch, not quite dinner), beach and pub dinner.  A fantastic end to a fantastic weekend, that I feel like I'm still trying to recover from!

The amazing peaches!

Her dancers, randoms picked that day!

Festival lovin, bumping and grindin

Crystal clear beaches

Just a quicky to end and say my thoughts and prayers are with everyone living in Queensland.  If you didn't know Queensland has had major flash flooding and 75% of Queensland has been declared a disaster zone.  I can't imagine knowing my house may get flooded or totalled and theres nothing I could do about it or even think if it did where would I go.........makes you think.

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